Saturday, 7 July 2012

Happy Anniversary/Birthday

6th July 2011 Trafalgar Square London
One year on .
Happy Birthday to Laura . One of our Awesome followers and supporters of our Tom.

Today also marks the Anniversary of the PREMIERE OF  DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 2.

Last year I was one of the hundreds that camped out 3 DAYS waiting to see Dan Emma Rupert & Tom and ALL the Potter cast,
 What an occassion !

It was awesome and the finale onstage with Jo. Dan. Emma .Rupert and the directors producers.
After speeches and farewells there was not one dry eye. The only disappointment was that Tom
wasn't up there with them. Apparently he was feeling unwell that day so I heard but he never 
let us down. Bless him !

Here are just a couple of my own pics unfortunately Tom had to leave just before he reached me.
so I never got a pic with him . Maybe I will at another occassion.

Dan Jo Emma and Rupert 

Our Lovely Tom

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